

If you have any questions, then please contact


Is Sonnen Buddy developed by sonnen?
No, this is a third party app built on the API exposed in primarily the sonnenBatterie hybrid 9.53.

What is an API?
This stands for a “application programming interface”, which enables a programmatic integration with your sonnen product e.g. by using this app.

Does Sonnen Buddy support other sonnen products than sonnenBatterie hybrid 9.53?
Since this is an app not developed by sonnen, we don’t have access to all sonnen products to verify that the app works. However, we’ve received feedback that it works with sonnen eco 8.03 and partially with sonnen hybrid 8.1. If you have a product not listed here, we’d be happy to hear how the app works for you.

Why do I need to be on the same network as my sonnen product?
The app communicates with the sonnen product directly using an API that’s not exposed on the internet outside your local network.

Where’s the historical data I’m used to seeing in the my sonnen app?
The Sonnen Buddy app can only get the data that’s on your sonnen product, and the historical data is not stored there. So you still need the my sonnen app to see that data.

I get an error saying something with “401 Unauthorized” - What should I do?
Make sure that you have the correct API token from the sonnenBatterie web interface and have enabled Read API and Write API. Re-run the setup using the reset button under Settings if necessary.

This FAQ will constantly be developed as new common questions arise.